
Our Missions & Visions

Basically we the buddies founded the group of company named "Poddopata Group". As all of we are from same area hence we had the opportunity to study same institution in our early stage of education . We mixed together very closely and discussed the socio-economic issue of our country and if we could contribute for the people of the country who are deprived in various ways.

Thus, we planned to do something together without combined plan and hard-working it would not possible to establish this company and all of we come to the same point which is Digital Bangladesh or Bangabandhur Sonar Bangla.

So, our missions and visions is to fulfill the dream of the father of the nations the way his daughter P.M Sheikh Hasina forwarding the country under his leadership. We want to work together with the same goals in a different way. Our initial goal is to provide digital services like e-commerce solution, enterprise solution to cope with the developed countries. We believe our dream will fulfill soon and we are working, we were working and we will be working together as a team members.

Board of Directors